British Murder Boys na Svojšicích nevystoupí

(Promotion) A nejen na Svojšicích.. s British Murder Boys je totiž definitivně konec. Vyplývá to z oznámení manažerky Dynamix dj bookingu, pod kterým tento projekt působil. Všem promotérům, kteří si British Murder Boys do budoucna zabookovali přišla tato zpráva.
British Murder Boys byli 31.května 2008 zabookováni na holandský festival Emporium. Oba, Regis i Surgeon, tam dorazili a vše bylo v pořádku, ale 10 minut před jejich setem Regis bez vysvětlení zmizel a už se neobjevil. Nebylo možné ho najít ani nijak jinak kontaktovat a Surgeon musel odehrát set sám. Regis se neozval ani v průběhu dalšího týdne a my jsme začali mít velké obavy, protože jeho chování bylo už v den konání festivalu podivné, na což poukazoval i promotér.
6.června jsme od Regise obdrželi tento mail: Po zvážení mé osobní i profesní budoucnosti jsem se s okamžitou platností rozhodl nadále nevystupovat jako součást projektu British Murder Boys a Dynamix dj bookingu. Není třeba mě nadále nijak kontaktovat, protože mé rozhodnutí je definitivní a vy ho musíte respektovat. To také znamená, že ruším všechna další potvrzená vystoupení. Přeji vám do budoucna vše nejlepší. Regis
To je vše, co Regis ke svému zkratu napsal a další vyjádření nehodlá podávat. Poškodil tím mnoho akcí a mezi nimi i letošní ročník festivalu Svojšice, kde měl také po hlavičkou British Murder Boys vystupovat. Snažíme se nyní jednat s agenturou Dynamix djs o nějaké náhradě, což je při tak krátkém čase do festivalu a vytíženosti djs velmi obtížné, nebo jiném způsobu vystoupení samotného Surgeona.
Celá tato událost nás velmi mrzí, ale Regisovo chování nemůžeme nijak ovlivnit. Uděláme vše pro to, aby pro vás byl celý program letošních Svojšic co nejzajímavější i bez zbláznivšího se Regise.
Originál emailu nanažerky Dynamix Bookingu:
Dear Petr,
This is to inform you about something relating to the upcoming BMB show at your event on June 27th, 2008.
On May 31st BMB were booked to play at Emporium Festival in Nijmegen, Holland. Both Karl and Tony (aka Regis and Surgeon) were at the festival before their set, but 10 minutes before they were due to start, Karl disappeared without explanation. Not being able to do anything else, Tony
went on to play the set himself.
Neither Tony as his partner, nor I as his agent were able to contact Karl via phone or email for the next 6 days and were increasingly worried about his personal well-being as he had been acting in an erratic manner before the gig. Even more so as the promoter in Holland also noted and commented on
the agitated and highly detached way Karl was behaving throughout the day on May 31st.
On 6th June we received the following email from Karl, he has refused any further communication:
Dear Tony and Natasha,
After much consideration about both my personal and professional future, I have come to the decision that with immediate effect I no longer want to continue with BRITISH MURDER BOYS / DYNAMIX DJ BOOKINGS . There is no need for further correspondance as my decision is final and I want you to
respect this.
This also means that I am going to withdraw from all confirmed or tbc bookings.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
I wish you all the best for the future.
We are very disappointed with his sudden decision and lack of any explanation for his actions.
Karl had worked with Tony for 14 years, and with Natasha for 10 Years. We are unable to understand or explain his sudden decision. British Murder Boys has ended. Karl no longer works with Dynamix DJs.
Best regards,
British Murder Boys - Unit, Tokyo
6.června jsme od Regise obdrželi tento mail: Po zvážení mé osobní i profesní budoucnosti jsem se s okamžitou platností rozhodl nadále nevystupovat jako součást projektu British Murder Boys a Dynamix dj bookingu. Není třeba mě nadále nijak kontaktovat, protože mé rozhodnutí je definitivní a vy ho musíte respektovat. To také znamená, že ruším všechna další potvrzená vystoupení. Přeji vám do budoucna vše nejlepší. Regis
To je vše, co Regis ke svému zkratu napsal a další vyjádření nehodlá podávat. Poškodil tím mnoho akcí a mezi nimi i letošní ročník festivalu Svojšice, kde měl také po hlavičkou British Murder Boys vystupovat. Snažíme se nyní jednat s agenturou Dynamix djs o nějaké náhradě, což je při tak krátkém čase do festivalu a vytíženosti djs velmi obtížné, nebo jiném způsobu vystoupení samotného Surgeona.
Celá tato událost nás velmi mrzí, ale Regisovo chování nemůžeme nijak ovlivnit. Uděláme vše pro to, aby pro vás byl celý program letošních Svojšic co nejzajímavější i bez zbláznivšího se Regise.
Originál emailu nanažerky Dynamix Bookingu:
Dear Petr,
This is to inform you about something relating to the upcoming BMB show at your event on June 27th, 2008.
On May 31st BMB were booked to play at Emporium Festival in Nijmegen, Holland. Both Karl and Tony (aka Regis and Surgeon) were at the festival before their set, but 10 minutes before they were due to start, Karl disappeared without explanation. Not being able to do anything else, Tony
went on to play the set himself.
Neither Tony as his partner, nor I as his agent were able to contact Karl via phone or email for the next 6 days and were increasingly worried about his personal well-being as he had been acting in an erratic manner before the gig. Even more so as the promoter in Holland also noted and commented on
the agitated and highly detached way Karl was behaving throughout the day on May 31st.
On 6th June we received the following email from Karl, he has refused any further communication:
Dear Tony and Natasha,
After much consideration about both my personal and professional future, I have come to the decision that with immediate effect I no longer want to continue with BRITISH MURDER BOYS / DYNAMIX DJ BOOKINGS . There is no need for further correspondance as my decision is final and I want you to
respect this.
This also means that I am going to withdraw from all confirmed or tbc bookings.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
I wish you all the best for the future.
We are very disappointed with his sudden decision and lack of any explanation for his actions.
Karl had worked with Tony for 14 years, and with Natasha for 10 Years. We are unable to understand or explain his sudden decision. British Murder Boys has ended. Karl no longer works with Dynamix DJs.
Best regards,
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