Line up festivalu Defqon.1 One Tribe

Za necelé dva měsíce je tu jeden z největších Harderstyles festivalů na světě DefQon.1 Podívejte se na to, jak vypadá line-up na tento skoro beznadějně vyprodaný festivalfestival.
Během tří dnů se můžete těšit na více než 244 umělců. V sobotu i v neděli se bude hrát na 11 podiích. K tomu je připravená páteční pěti hodinová pre-párty a sobotní čtyř hodinová afterparty. Na webových stránkách je vyvěšen nabitý line-up a dozvíte se tam další informace o festivalu.
Některé doplňkové cestovní balíčky (bohužel již bez lístků) v některých kategoriích (pro ty, kteří chtějí na festivalu trochu více luxusu) jsou zatím stále v prodeji, stejně tak jako lístky na neděli. Vstupenky na sobotní i víkendový program jsou již bohužel vyprodány.
Letošní hymnu mají na svědomí Phuture Noize, KELTEK a Sefa. Track nese název One Tribe. Je to celkem povedený track, posuďte sami!
Phuture Noize, KELTEK a Sefa - One Tribe (Defqon.1 Anthem 2019):
Pátek 28.06.2019 20:00 – 01:00
The Gathering - Blue
Bass Modulators, Brennan Heart, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Phuture Noize, Ran-D
MC: Villain
The Gathering - Black
Angerfist, AniMe, Dr. Peacock, Evil Activities, Promo
MC: Da Mouth of Madness
Sobota 29.06.2019 11:00 – 23:00
Red (Mainstage)
Adrenalize, B-Front, Coone, D-Sturb, Devin Wild, Frequencerz, Headhunterz, Keltek, Noisecontrollers, Radical Redemption, Sound Rush, Toneshifterz
Black (Hardcore)
Access One, Amada, Andy The Core, Angerfist, Deadly Guns, Destructive Tendencies, Dither, I:gor, N-Vitral, Neophyte, Nosferatu, Wasted Mind, Yoshiko
MC: Alee
Blue (Raw)
Bass Chaserz, D-Attack, Delete, Digital Punk, Malice, Rebelion, Rebelion, Regain, Rejecta, Revivals, Sub Sonik, Warface
Live: Hard Driver
MC: Livid
Ultraviolet (Euphoric)
Andy Svge, Audiofreq, Da Tweekaz, Demi Kanon, Frontliner, Jay Reeve, Max Enforcer, Primeshock, Retrospect, Sephyx, The Prophet, Wasted Penguinz, Zany
Gold (Millenium Hardcore)
Buzz Fuzz, Darkraver, Dune, Frantic Freak, Mental Theo, Panic, Tha Nouky, The Raver, The Stunned Guys, Uzi, Vince
MC: Da Mouth of Madness
Magenta (Early Hardstyle) - 2001-2005
A*S*Y*S, Activator, Dana, Isaac, Luna, Pavo, Pila, Sunny D, The Scientist, Trilok & Chiren
MC: Ruffian
Purple (Talent)
Bestia, Dawnfire, Imperial, Jesse Jax, Kuzak, Nexone, PRDX, Unifire, Winnaar DJ Contest
MC: Dash
Silver (Industrial)
Bryan Fury, Dart, Deathmachine, Hellfish, Khaoz engine, Manu Le Malin, Mindustries, Penta, The Clamps
Indigo (Xtra Raw)
Aversion, Crystal Mad, Imperatorz, Luminite, Mind Dimension, Ncrypta, Neroz, Retaliation, Riot Shift, Rooler, The Purge
Live: The Apexx Machine
MC: Focus
Yellow Extreme
BillX, Bulletproof, Crypton, Dissoactive, F. NøIzE, Hard Effectz, Lady Dammage, Mr. Ivex, Partyraiser, Spitnoise, Streiks & Kratchs, The Destroyer, Trespassed, Unproven
MC: No-iD
Afterparty - Blue Night
Psyko Punkz, Rebelion & Delete, The Sickest Squad, Zatox
Neděle 30.06.2019 11:00 – 20:00
Red (Mainstage)
Atmozfears, Audiotricz, Code Black, Isaac, Sefa,
Red (The Closing Ceremony)
Zero Project
MC: Villain
Blue (Raw)
Act of Rage, Adaro, Chain Reaction, Clockartz, Degos & Re-Done, E-Force, Endymion, Jason Payne, Killshot, Luna, MYST, Requiem, Thera, Titan
MC: Nolz
Black (Hardcore) hosted by Partyraiser & Friends
Bulletproof, D-Fence, Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz, Hard Effectz, Korsakoff, Mad Dog, Partyraiser, Tha Playah, The Melodyst, The Viper
Gold (Early Rave)
Art of Fighters, Endymion, Noize Suppressor, Ophidian, Re-Style, Ruffneck, Sei2ure, Sequence & Ominous, Synapse, Unexist
MC: Ruffian
Ultraviolet (Euphoric)
Darkraver, Dr Phunk, Dr. Ruthless, Frequencerz, MANDY, Mark with a K, Mental Twister, Outsiders, Paul Elstak, Ransom, The Partysquad, ZazaFront
Live: DV8
MC: Chucky, Da Syndrome
Magenta (Early Hardstyle) - 2005-2009
A-lusion, Charly Lownoise, Deepack, Ivan Carsten, Lip DJ, Tat & Zat
Silver (Industrial)
Akira, Katharsys, Ophidian as Raziel, Somniac One, Strange Arrival, The DJ Producer, The Outside Agency, The Satan
Indigo (Extra raw)
Caine, Chris One Sweden, Dark Pact, Prefix & Density, RVAGE, Tartaros, Thyron, Unresolved, Vertile
Live: Typhoon
MC: Livid
Yellow (Frenchcore / Uptempo)
Angernoizer, Chaotic Hostility, Cryogenic, DRS, Frenchcore Familia, Hyrule War, Lunatic, Remzcore, Sprinky, System:Overload, Vandalism
Live: Super Trash Bros
Purple (Talent)
Charter, Emphasis, Envine, Helix, Stormerz, Attack
MC: LePrince
Některé doplňkové cestovní balíčky (bohužel již bez lístků) v některých kategoriích (pro ty, kteří chtějí na festivalu trochu více luxusu) jsou zatím stále v prodeji, stejně tak jako lístky na neděli. Vstupenky na sobotní i víkendový program jsou již bohužel vyprodány.
Letošní hymnu mají na svědomí Phuture Noize, KELTEK a Sefa. Track nese název One Tribe. Je to celkem povedený track, posuďte sami!
Phuture Noize, KELTEK a Sefa - One Tribe (Defqon.1 Anthem 2019):
Pátek 28.06.2019 20:00 – 01:00
The Gathering - Blue
Bass Modulators, Brennan Heart, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Phuture Noize, Ran-D
MC: Villain
The Gathering - Black
Angerfist, AniMe, Dr. Peacock, Evil Activities, Promo
MC: Da Mouth of Madness
Sobota 29.06.2019 11:00 – 23:00
Red (Mainstage)
Adrenalize, B-Front, Coone, D-Sturb, Devin Wild, Frequencerz, Headhunterz, Keltek, Noisecontrollers, Radical Redemption, Sound Rush, Toneshifterz
Black (Hardcore)
Access One, Amada, Andy The Core, Angerfist, Deadly Guns, Destructive Tendencies, Dither, I:gor, N-Vitral, Neophyte, Nosferatu, Wasted Mind, Yoshiko
MC: Alee
Blue (Raw)
Bass Chaserz, D-Attack, Delete, Digital Punk, Malice, Rebelion, Rebelion, Regain, Rejecta, Revivals, Sub Sonik, Warface
Live: Hard Driver
MC: Livid
Ultraviolet (Euphoric)
Andy Svge, Audiofreq, Da Tweekaz, Demi Kanon, Frontliner, Jay Reeve, Max Enforcer, Primeshock, Retrospect, Sephyx, The Prophet, Wasted Penguinz, Zany
Gold (Millenium Hardcore)
Buzz Fuzz, Darkraver, Dune, Frantic Freak, Mental Theo, Panic, Tha Nouky, The Raver, The Stunned Guys, Uzi, Vince
MC: Da Mouth of Madness
Magenta (Early Hardstyle) - 2001-2005
A*S*Y*S, Activator, Dana, Isaac, Luna, Pavo, Pila, Sunny D, The Scientist, Trilok & Chiren
MC: Ruffian
Purple (Talent)
Bestia, Dawnfire, Imperial, Jesse Jax, Kuzak, Nexone, PRDX, Unifire, Winnaar DJ Contest
MC: Dash
Silver (Industrial)
Bryan Fury, Dart, Deathmachine, Hellfish, Khaoz engine, Manu Le Malin, Mindustries, Penta, The Clamps
Indigo (Xtra Raw)
Aversion, Crystal Mad, Imperatorz, Luminite, Mind Dimension, Ncrypta, Neroz, Retaliation, Riot Shift, Rooler, The Purge
Live: The Apexx Machine
MC: Focus
Yellow Extreme
BillX, Bulletproof, Crypton, Dissoactive, F. NøIzE, Hard Effectz, Lady Dammage, Mr. Ivex, Partyraiser, Spitnoise, Streiks & Kratchs, The Destroyer, Trespassed, Unproven
MC: No-iD
Afterparty - Blue Night
Psyko Punkz, Rebelion & Delete, The Sickest Squad, Zatox
Neděle 30.06.2019 11:00 – 20:00
Red (Mainstage)
Atmozfears, Audiotricz, Code Black, Isaac, Sefa,
Red (The Closing Ceremony)
Zero Project
MC: Villain
Blue (Raw)
Act of Rage, Adaro, Chain Reaction, Clockartz, Degos & Re-Done, E-Force, Endymion, Jason Payne, Killshot, Luna, MYST, Requiem, Thera, Titan
MC: Nolz
Black (Hardcore) hosted by Partyraiser & Friends
Bulletproof, D-Fence, Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz, Hard Effectz, Korsakoff, Mad Dog, Partyraiser, Tha Playah, The Melodyst, The Viper
Gold (Early Rave)
Art of Fighters, Endymion, Noize Suppressor, Ophidian, Re-Style, Ruffneck, Sei2ure, Sequence & Ominous, Synapse, Unexist
MC: Ruffian
Ultraviolet (Euphoric)
Darkraver, Dr Phunk, Dr. Ruthless, Frequencerz, MANDY, Mark with a K, Mental Twister, Outsiders, Paul Elstak, Ransom, The Partysquad, ZazaFront
Live: DV8
MC: Chucky, Da Syndrome
Magenta (Early Hardstyle) - 2005-2009
A-lusion, Charly Lownoise, Deepack, Ivan Carsten, Lip DJ, Tat & Zat
Silver (Industrial)
Akira, Katharsys, Ophidian as Raziel, Somniac One, Strange Arrival, The DJ Producer, The Outside Agency, The Satan
Indigo (Extra raw)
Caine, Chris One Sweden, Dark Pact, Prefix & Density, RVAGE, Tartaros, Thyron, Unresolved, Vertile
Live: Typhoon
MC: Livid
Yellow (Frenchcore / Uptempo)
Angernoizer, Chaotic Hostility, Cryogenic, DRS, Frenchcore Familia, Hyrule War, Lunatic, Remzcore, Sprinky, System:Overload, Vandalism
Live: Super Trash Bros
Purple (Talent)
Charter, Emphasis, Envine, Helix, Stormerz, Attack
MC: LePrince
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