Čtvrtek 5. 7. 2007 až Pátek 6. 7. 2007
Česká republika - Královehradecký kraj - Trutnov - areál
Brutal Truth + Behemoth + Grave + General Surgery + Rotten Sound + Assassin + Waco Jesus + Rompeprop + Birdflesh + Yacoepsae + Inhumate + MagruderGrind + Sublime CadaVeric Decomposition + DebustroL + Extinction Of Mankind + Cliteater + Life Is a Lie + Carnal Decay + Hymen Holocaust + Digested Flesh + Mucopus + Herpes de Crachat de Fillette + Tinner + Narcosis + Distorted ImpAlement + Morbidium + Neuropathia + Zubrowska + Exit Wounds + Human Error + Vae Victus + AfGrund + STERBEHILFE + Enthrallment + Hybrid Viscery + Distress + Firing Squad + The arson Project + Satan’s Revenge on Mankind + Pigsty + Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland + G.O.R.E. + Vulnus + Eardelete + 2 Minuta Dreka + Critical MAdness + Cuttered Flesh + Festa Desperato + Psychotic Despaur + Elysium + Hell show – body-piercing freak show
předprodej 600/700 Kč, na místě 800 Kč